German Agribusiness Alliance (GAA)

Selected Topic

Promoting sustainable production and food sovereignty, Supporting resilient and sustainable supply chains, Strengthening vulnerable groups.

Project Description

“Partnerships for resilient food systems”
These companies will present their innovative projects: GRIMME, PÖTTINGER, Peterson, BayWa, BASF, DLG.

“African Agricenter of Excellence (AAE)” in Kenya and Tanzania
Supporting local dealers to establish leasing models for agri-machinery.

Providing training and know-how transfer on mechanization.

Supporting smallholder farmers in India
Transforming local food system by helping smallholders to become agri-entrepreneurs through commercial vegetable growing.

Fostering food security and strengthening farmer resilience to climate volatility.

Climate smart onion production by smallholder farmers in Ethiopia
Enabling seedling growers to commercialize onion seedlings and local farmers to generate multiple harvests using innovative and climate adapted technology.

Establishing a business model rooted in community partnership and local job creation.

Sustainable sourcing using regenerative farming methods
Practices like cover cropping, rotational grazing or minimal tillage have great potential to resulting in increased yields, healthier crops, and resilient landscapes.

Projects along the value chain show how regenerative farming methods can impact global food systems, climate change mitigation, and rural communities.

Supporting coffee growers in Mexico
Bringing innovation to coffee growers while respecting the legacy of indigenous communities in the State of Chiapas.

Working along coffee value chain with UNESCO and partners for improving growers’ quality of life through increasing coffee yield and quality.

Resource efficient water management and irrigation solutions in Zambia

About the Institution

The German Agribusiness Alliance (GAA) is a joint initiative of leading associations and companies in the German agricultural and food industry focusing on plant breeding, plant protection and plant nutrition, animal husbandry (genetics, health and nutrition), agricultural technology, food production, certification, agricultural trade, qualification and training, as well as agri-related consulting and advisory. It serves as a platform for international cooperation of the German business in the agricultural and food sector – with partner countries worldwide.

Contact Person: Alina Gumpert

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