Expert Panel #1

Ready for a joint take-off? Bioeconomy and the Transformation of Agriculture and Food Systems.

Julius EcuruJochen FlasbarthJasmin HundorfMarina Godoi de LimaShaji Krishnan VimalanandavallyRik Kutsch LojengaMarcella D'souzaIrene Kadzere-Forichi

The transformation of agriculture and food systems as key for a sustainable bioeconomy development: Policies, challenges and good practices

Bioeconomy offers great potential for sustainable development. This potential can be fully harnessed only if global food security, human rights as well as planetary boundaries are respected. In this way, bioeconomy can contribute to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Agriculture and food systems account for the largest share of bioeconomy. Thus, a transformation towards productive, sustainable, and inclusive agriculture and food systems is mandatory for a sustainable bioeconomy. Germany is committed to support partner countries in the sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems. To this end, the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) promotes holistic approaches that ensure food security while safeguarding the environment and human rights.

But how can framework conditions be designed to guide a fair and socially, ecologically, and economically sustainable bioeconomy development? What challenges or good practices shape a sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems that are also relevant for bioeconomy? How can countries and different stakeholders learn from each other, and good solutions be fed into bioeconomy implementation? These questions will be addressed in the panel. Fruitful discussions on country strategies and project experiences in Latin America, Africa and Asia give insights into challenges and necessary shifts in framework conditions and how these shape the future of bioeconomy development.

Bioeconomy offers great potential for sustainable development. This potential can be fully harnessed only if global food security, human rights as well as planetary boundaries are respected. Agriculture and food systems account for the largest share of bioeconomy.

Thus, a sustainable transformation towards productive, sustainable, and inclusive agriculture and food systems is mandatory for a sustainable bioeconomy. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) as organizer of this panel will discuss challenges and opportunities for bioeconomy development and the transformation of agriculture and food systems with representatives from partner countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America: Which policies and strategies do effectively foster the development of a sustainable bioeconomy? What are good practices and key success factors for the transformation of agriculture and food systems at the national and local level that leverage a sustainable bioeconomy development?


  1. Discuss different country policies and perspectives on bioeconomy;
  2. Highlight agriculture and food systems transformation as central area for bioeconomy development;
  3. Learn about good practices, projects and stakeholder perspectives.


What Who
Welcome by Moderator Jasmin Hundorf , Head of Sector Project Resilient Rural Areas (GIZ) Short introduction and background
Opening Remarks Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
Introduction Moderator
Keynote Sustainable Bioeconomy and the Transformation of Agriculture and Food Systems – Opportunities and Challenges

Dr. Julius Ecuru, Head of BioInnovate at the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Kenya

Policy Segment: Country policies on bioeconomy

  • What are the greatest opportunities and challenges for bioeconomy development in your country/region?
  • How do you/your country/region/organization foster a sustainable and inclusive transformation of agriculture and food systems? And how does this contribute to sustainable bioeconomy development in your country/region?
  • How does a sustainable bioeconomy support the transformation towards sustainable food systems in your country?
John Anthony Mulongoti, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Zambia
Marina Godoi de Lima, Deputy Executive Secretary, Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Farming (MDA), Brazil
Shaji K V, Chairman, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), India
Interactive dialogue with the audience
Good Practices Segment: Contributions to a sustainable bioeconomy and the transformation of agriculture and food systems

  • What are the most effective approaches to support the transformation of agriculture and food systems as well as for spearheading bioeconomy development?
  • What are good practices in this regard from your experience?
  • What are key success factors and/or lessons learned from your point of view?
  Antonio de Carvalho Kaxinawá, Agroforestry agent and indigenous leader, Brazil
Rik Kutsch Lojenga, Director, Union for Ethical Biotrade (UEBT), The Netherlands
Marcella D’Souza, Director of the Centre for Resilience Studies (W-CReS) at the Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR), India
Dr. Irene Kadzere-Forichi, Senior Scientist, Department of International Cooperation at the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Switzerland
Interactive experience sharing with the audience
Wrap-up Dr. Ariane Hildebrandt, Director-General, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
Closing Moderator


German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)


Keynote Speaker

Julius Ecuru

Julius Ecuru

Leiter des „BioInnovate Africa“-Programms

International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE)

Jochen Flasbarth

Jochen Flasbarth

State Secretary

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany

Moderators & Panelists

Jasmin Hundorf

Jasmin Hundorf

Head of Sector Project Resilient Rural Areas

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Marina Godoi de Lima

Marina Godoi de Lima

Deputy Executive Secretary

Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Farming (MDA), Brazil

Shaji Krishnan Vimalanandavally

Shaji Krishnan Vimalanandavally


National Bank for Agriculture and Development (NABARD), India

Rik Kutsch Lojenga

Rik Kutsch Lojenga

Executive Director

Union for Ethical Biotrade (UEBT), The Netherlands

Marcella D'souza

Marcella D'souza


Watershed Organisation (WOTR), India

Irene Kadzere-Forichi

Irene Kadzere-Forichi

Senior Scientist and Action Research Advisor

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)

Ariane Hildebrandt

Director-General, German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development,


John Anthony Mulongoti

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Agriculture, Zambia