Expert Panel #2

Promoting sustainable development through agro-ecological and regenerative approaches - Examples from South-East Asia

Dirk PauschertGérardine MukeshimanaSarah Talea KretschmerHelga Flores TrejoKanjana Dangrungroj

Large parts of Asia are characterised by small-scale farming. In view of climate change, an ageing rural population and increasing environmental problems, innovative methods in the agricultural sector are gaining in importance. The panel aims to present innovative approaches in the Asian bioeconomy sector and to provide an insight into how the exchange between stakeholders and projects is being promoted: How can sustainable innovations be identified and evaluated? How can innovations be disseminated in agricultural practice and in value and supply chains? What offers of funding need to be developed, and what political and institutional preconditions must be in place? The focus lies on funding approaches for sustainable agriculture and technological innovations, which offer solutions in the bioeconomy sector. Representatives from Thailand and India will present their successful projects. The focus here is on practical solutions for sustainable development through agro-ecological and regenerative approaches, particularly for climate change adaptation and emission reduction in rice cultivation, as well as technical and organisational innovations. The projects, some of which are funded by the BMEL, aim, inter alia, to strengthen innovation networks. In Thailand, knowledge networks and investment vehicles for sustainable innovations are being established; in India, regenerative farming techniques are being taught on demonstration farms.


GFFA Berlin e.V.


Moderators & Panelists

Dirk Pauschert

Dirk Pauschert

Head of Section on Global Food and Nutrition Security

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Gérardine Mukeshimana

Gérardine Mukeshimana

Vice President

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Sarah Talea Kretschmer

Sarah Talea Kretschmer

Innovation and Network Specialist

German-Thai Agricultural Cooperation (GETHAC), founded by BMEL

Helga Flores Trejo

Helga Flores Trejo

Vice President and Special Envoy of Multilateral and Sustainability Affairs


Kanjana Dangrungroj

Kanjana Dangrungroj

Deputy Secretary General

Bureau of National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives