Innovation Forum

The GFFA Innovation Forum once again offered an exciting exhibition format at the next GFFA, presenting innovative projects, practical examples and new solutions related to the GFFA’s main topic. Numerous scientific institutions, NGOs, companies, including start-ups, authorities and associations presented their latest innovations and activities. A total of 27 exhibitors showcased their creative approaches and forward-looking ideas.

ADT Project Consulting GmbH logo

ADT Project Consulting GmbH

Fair access to markets
Providing fair framework conditions - Harnessing change
Rural development
Strengthening rural regions
Sustainable value chains

Contact Person: Birgit Maier-Stein | [email protected] | +4915128884947

ADT Project Consulting is conducting the ‘German-Ukrainian Expert Dialogue on the Sustainable Development of the Fruit and Vegetable Sector in Vinnytsia’ (D...

African Green Store Network logo

African Green Store Network

Best practices approaches
Knowledge exchange
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication

Contact Person: Jean Pierre Sayouba Djiela | [email protected] | +237699 93 54 42

African Green Store Network (AGSN) plans to show posters, films, and materials from members’ work to reach a wider audience, inspire each other about trai...

Agrarsysteme der Zukunft logo

Agrarsysteme der Zukunft

Knowledge exchange
New technologies
Research and innovation
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication
Technology transfer

Contact Person: Rebecca Klopsch | [email protected] | +493370178162

In “Agricultural Systems of the Future”, six inter- and transdisciplinary consortia are researching innovative approaches to pave the way for the transforma...

BioökonomieREVIER c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich logo

BioökonomieREVIER c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich

Best practices approaches
Food safety
Knowledge exchange
New technologies
Precision farming
Research and innovation
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication
Technology transfer

Contact Person: Christian Klar | [email protected] | +492461-61 4230

BioökonomieREVIER is a structural change initiative that establishes the Rhineland Revier as a model region for sustainable bioeconomy. Since the decision to p...

BMEL logo


Best practices approaches
Food safety
Knowledge exchange
New technologies
Precision farming
Research and innovation
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication
Technology transfer

Contact Person: Thomas Schäfer | [email protected] | +49 228 99 4350

At the BMEL booth, projects funded by the BMEL under the Bilateral Cooperation Program, the Bilateral Trust Fund, and international research projects will be pr...

CAISLEY International GmbH logo

CAISLEY International GmbH

Circular use
Food loss and waste (FLW)
Food security
Right to Food
Sustainably using biomass - Ensuring global food security

Contact Person: Britta Nehls | [email protected] | +492871-239390

CAISLEY’s products are suitable for a unique lifetime identification of livestock, ideally from birth to slaughter. In this way, they help to manage lives...

constellr GmbH logo

constellr GmbH

Forest-based bioeconomy
Organic farming
Regenerative agriculture
Renewable resources
Sustainability approaches
Sustainable biomass production
Sustainable food systems
Sustainably producing biomass - Solving conflicts of interests

Contact Person: Tobias Menne | [email protected] | +4915117896708

We intend to showcase during GFFA that a sustainable bio-economy thrives from data, which documents the sustainability of biomass production and subsequently in...

DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH logo

DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH

Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Renewable resources
Sustainability approaches
Sustainable food systems
Sustainably producing biomass - Solving conflicts of interests
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

With the slogan “Bio-Power for Healthy Soils”, the ETH Soil project aims to make small-scale agriculture in Ethiopia climate-friendly and more resil...

DEULA-Nienburg logo


Best practices approaches
Food safety
Knowledge exchange
Precision farming
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication

DEULA-Nienburg is committed to strengthening innovation in the agricultural sector through targeted educational initiatives and expanding communication within t...

Development and Environment Institute (IDMA) logo

Development and Environment Institute (IDMA)


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) logo

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Circular use
Food loss and waste (FLW)
Food security
Food-First principle
Novel foods
Sustainably using biomass - Ensuring global food security

Contact Person: Lev Neretin | [email protected]

The FAO Stand will showcase concrete examples of bioeconomy innovations that harness sustainable use of biological resources to empower developing countries to ...

Future Forest Initiative logo

Future Forest Initiative

Best practices approaches
New technologies
Research and innovation
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication

The agricultural sector is not only a producer of food and animal feed, but also plays an important role as a producer of a variety of bio-based raw materials f...

German Agribusiness Alliance (GAA) logo

German Agribusiness Alliance (GAA)

Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Regenerative agriculture
Sustainability approaches
Sustainable biomass production
Sustainable food systems
Sustainable water management
Sustainably producing biomass - Solving conflicts of interests
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Contact Person: Alina Gumpert | [email protected] | +491707961065

Projects will be presented by the companies GRIMME, Peterson/Control Union, BASF, AgSet „Making measurable impact in your agri-food supply chain” Peterson S...

GFA Consulting Group GmbH logo

GFA Consulting Group GmbH

Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Land use and land use change (LULUC)
Regenerative agriculture
Sustainable biomass production
Sustainable food systems
Sustainable water management
Sustainably producing biomass - Solving conflicts of interests
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Contact Person: Judith Lauzemis | [email protected]

GFA Consulting Group implements projects worldwide in the field of agroecology, promoting sustainable biomass production and resolving conflicting goals. In Afr...

GIZ logo


Providing fair framework conditions - Harnessing change
Rural development

Bioeconomy is considered a sustainable economic activity based on biogenic raw materials (plants, animals, microorganisms) and the associated knowledge. Therefo...

GOPA AFC GmbH logo


Best practices approaches
Knowledge exchange
New technologies
Precision farming
Research and innovation
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication
Technology transfer

Contact Person: Johannes Buschmeier | [email protected] | +4922892394000

The ‘Zambian-German Agricultural Knowledge and Training Centre’ (AKTC), a BMEL BKP project, began its work in 2014 and has been continuously developing ever...

IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH logo

IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH

Best practices approaches
Knowledge exchange
New technologies
Research and innovation
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication

Contact Person: Michael Bödecker | [email protected] | +491743390694

In the German-Uruguayan Dialogue on Agriculture (DAUA) implemented by IAK, Component 1 (Micro2Health) is researching the positive potential of the soil microbio...

IFOAM – Organics International logo

IFOAM – Organics International

Contact Person: Gábor Figeczky | [email protected]

Kauswagan’s shift to organic agriculture and the ‘From Arms to Farms’ program, transforming former conflict zones into thriving farming communities, r...

Infinite Roots (Mushlabs GmbH) logo

Infinite Roots (Mushlabs GmbH)

Circular use
Food loss and waste (FLW)
Food security
Food-First principle
Novel foods
Plant-based alternatives
Right to Food
Sustainably using biomass - Ensuring global food security

Contact Person: Victor Basuki | [email protected] | +491743882987

By harnessing the natural efficiency of mycelium fermentation, we employ advanced biotechnology to create singular foods with minimal environmental impact. This...

Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) – Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen logo

Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) – Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen

Best practices approaches
Knowledge exchange
New technologies
Research and innovation
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication

Contact Person: Doreen Babin | [email protected] | +493946476160

In the German-Uruguayan Dialogue on Agriculture (DAUA) implemented by IAK, Component 1 (Micro2Health) is researching the positive potential of the soil microbio...

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank logo

Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank

Best practices approaches
New technologies
Research and innovation
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication
Technology transfer

Agriculture is not only a producer of food and feed but also plays a significant role as a producer of a variety of bio-based raw materials for industrial proce...

Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD) logo

Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD)

Since 2023, LI-BIRD is an implementing organisation of the Himalayan Agroecology Initiative(see also here), a strategic endeavour that develops, builds capaci...

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil logo

Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil

Best practices approaches
Knowledge exchange
New technologies
Research and innovation
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication
Technology transfer

Contact Person: Eduardo Sampaio Marques | [email protected] | +49 15236843503

The project aims to implement strategies to develop and expand bio-inputs associated with biological nitrogen fixation and phosphorus and potassium solubilizati...

RIELA Karl-Heinz Knoop e. K. logo

RIELA Karl-Heinz Knoop e. K.

Circular use
Food loss and waste (FLW)
Food security
Sustainably using biomass - Ensuring global food security

To ensure food security, the first priority is to avoid the enormous post-harvest losses. Without sensible and technically optimised processing of the harvested...

RootCamp GmbH logo

RootCamp GmbH

Forest-based bioeconomy
Regenerative agriculture
Renewable resources
Sustainably producing biomass - Solving conflicts of interests

The agricultural sector is not only a producer of food and feed, but also plays a significant role as a producer of a wide variety of bio-based raw materials fo...

Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG) in Southeastern Europe logo

Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG) in Southeastern Europe

Food security
Sustainably using biomass - Ensuring global food security

What is the SWG? The “SWG” stands for Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group in South Eastern Europe. It is an International Intergovernmental Or...

TU München logo

TU München

Precision farming
Research and innovation
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication
Technology transfer

Contact Person: Tobias Vöpel | [email protected] | +49 9421187415

We look for innovative farmers to test an innovative nitrate biosensor in winter wheat! | Farmers face the challenge of providing crops with the right nutrients...

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) logo

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Blue bioeconomy
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Forest-based bioeconomy
Land use and land use change (LULUC)
Organic farming
Regenerative agriculture
Renewable resources
Sustainability approaches
Sustainable biomass production
Sustainable food systems
Sustainable water management
Sustainably producing biomass - Solving conflicts of interests
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Contact Person: Niels Schulz | [email protected] | +431260263597

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) assists countries to join and benefit in the transition towards a regenerative circular bioeconom...

United Nations World Food Programme - WFP Innovation Accelerator logo

United Nations World Food Programme - WFP Innovation Accelerator

Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Organic farming
Regenerative agriculture
Sustainability approaches
Sustainable biomass production
Sustainable food systems
Sustainably producing biomass - Solving conflicts of interests
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Contact Person: Sebastian Meyer | [email protected]

Rebug2Debug (Rwanda) – Turning organic food waste into bio fertilizer and proteinaceous animal feed Around 30 percent of global food is wasted annually, i...

Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT) logo

Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT)

Best practices approaches
Knowledge exchange
New technologies
Precision farming
Research and innovation
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication

The Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT) is introducing an innovative approach to international education and training with its project...

WIWEX GmbH logo


Best practices approaches
Knowledge exchange
New technologies
Precision farming
Research and innovation
Strengthening innovation - Promoting communication
Technology transfer

Contact Person: Jan Hansen | [email protected] | +491636130630

WIWEX GmbH, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Universidad de La Habana and its foundation are co-founders of InCuba, Cuba’s first academic incubator for in...