Expert Panel #14

The promise and challenges of the new sustainable bioeconomy – learning from country experiences

Jeppe BruusGuido LandheerMarion JansenPeter OeiDaniel LodettiOliver Hendrickson

Strategies, cooperation, and policies insights for scaling bio-innovations to transition to biogenic materials for a climate-neutral economy

Transitioning from fossil-based raw materials to biogenic sources is critical for building a climate-neutral global economy. Recent innovations in bio-manufacturing and synthetic biology, offer promising opportunities to reuse agriculture-related residues. However, scaling up these innovations from pilot initiatives to large-scale sustainable value chains remains challenging. This requires comprehensive national strategies and international cooperation, set to foster enabling conditions for innovation and for scaling up innovations into viable businesses. Effective policy instruments have to be developed and implemented to ensure the desired transition. The following questions for the experts aim to develop insights into key elements of coherent bio-economy policies that promote social, environmental, and economic sustainability:
What promising technologies are being developed at the country level for sustainable value chains and the circular economy?
How are policy frameworks, governance tools, monitoring systems and public-private collaborations helping scale innovations from “lab to farm”?
What measures create an enabling environment for investment, innovation, and sustainable practices, and how are emerging standards shaping this?
How can policymakers ensure inclusiveness along the envisioned sustainable supply chains?
What role can the OECD play in enhancing dialogue and cooperation among stakeholders to address these challenges and harness the opportunities?

Welcome remarks (5min): Guido Landheer, Deputy Director General for Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Keynote (10min): Minister Jeppe Bruus, Ministry for Green Transformation, Denmark

Introduction of the panelist by moderator: Marion Jasen, Director of the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate

Dutch experience (8min): Mr. Peter Oei, Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature

African Union experience (8min): TBC

Brazil experience (8min):  Mr Daniel Lodetti, Deputy General Coordinator for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil

New Zealand experience (8min): Oliver Hendrickson, Agriculture Counsellor in the New Zealand Permanent Mission to the EU in Brussels

Discussion with the panelists (28min)


OECD - The Netherlands


Keynote Speaker

Jeppe Bruus

Jeppe Bruus


Ministry for Green Transformation, Denmark

Guido Landheer

Guido Landheer

Deputy Director General for Agriculture

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Moderators & Panelists

Marion Jansen

Marion Jansen

Director of the Trade and Agriculture Directorate


Peter Oei

Peter Oei

Program manager

Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature

Daniel Lodetti

Daniel Lodetti

Deputy General Coordinator for Sustainable Development

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil

Oliver Hendrickson

Oliver Hendrickson

Agriculture Counsellor

New Zealand Permanent Mission to the EU in Brussels